
Friday, 22 October 2010

Book Blogger Hop and Coming Soon, 22/10/10

The Book Blogger Hop
Hosted by Jennifer at CRAZY FOR BOOKS.

Book Blogger Hop

It's Friday again. Time to take a short break from reviewing to answer a little question about my reading, writing and blogging habits and to pass the question on to anyone else who is inclined to share their own thoughts on the subject.
"Where is your favourite place to read? Curled up on the sofa, in bed, in the garden?"
It seems simple enough, but this is not an easy question to answer as I will read at any given opportunity, wherever there is a book to be read. On the train, over coffee after a busy day shopping in Southampton or London, in the bath, up a tree... the list goes on. It doesn't really matter, as I cease to be there once the book has pulled me in. If we go by my most frequent reading location, I suppose I would have to choose my bed, which makes me sound horribly lazy.

Coming Soon

I am down to my final library book from the pile I rented out at the beginning of the month: Uglies by Scott Westerfeld, although I haven't started it yet. Mostly my to-read list is a shorter version of last week's: Hush, Hush, The Hunger Games, I Shall Wear Midnight (when my sister has finished with it) and a re-read of To Kill a Mockingbird. I have been mostly good (read: skint) this week and resisted both 3-for-2 on all kids' books at work, and BOGOF at the rival bookstore down the road, but after reading yet more reviews about it, I ordered a copy of Thirteen Reasons Why from Amazon. I expect my pile to grow if the 3-for-2 continues until pay day, though.

New This Week

I have started a Twitter account for this blog, for up-to-the-minute thoughts on my current read. My profile is called KatieWhoCanRead, which was how I was known by my future teachers before I started primary school. I started to read at the age of three, and haven't stopped since.


  1. Hopping by. I read your review for Fallen by Lauren Kate. I felt the same way. I think I rated it a 2 on Good Reads. So much wrong with that story...

    Anyway...Hope you come by and see my ANSWER!

    Jen @ I Read Banned Books

  2. Blog Hopper and Friday Follow here!

    My answer is in the cozy two-seater chair in my living room. It's so comfy!

    Follow Friday answer: I am reading Black Magic Lover by Cynthia Cooke, Harlequin Nocturne paperback.

    Followed! Hope you follow back. Happy reading!

  3. Thanks for stopping by & following! I'm your newest follower. :)

    Have a great weekend!

  4. Hi! I saw you on Twitter, and am following you there now too. I have Hush Hush on my nightstand too, and I read your recent review of Twenty Boy Summer. That book in on my want list now, also courtesy of Dr. Scroggins!


  5. Hey, thanks for stopping by my blog! I really enjoyed both Uglies and The Hunger Games - hope you do as well :)

  6. Hi, Katie! Thanks for hopping by my blog! Like you, I will read anywhere, any time!

  7. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm a new follower of yours!

    Have an awesome weekend!

    Claire :)

  8. Hi there! In the summer I love to read outdoors in the sunshine. But, since I live in Canada, the winter months are spent curled up on my chaise lounge. I am a new follower from the hop. Come and visit me at

  9. Hi Katie, thanks for stopping by my blog!

    It's cool that you can read anywhere. Wish I could. I'm always distracted by something or another lol.

    Following. Have a lovely weekend!


Come and say hello! I don't bite (well, except at the full moon...)

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