
Friday, 5 November 2010

Coming Soon and the Book Blogger Hop, 5/11/10

The Book Blogger Hop

Hosted by Jennifer at Crazy For Books

Book Blogger Hop

"What are your feelings on losing followers? Have you ever stopped following a blog?"
I don't actually like the word "followers" as it makes me think of a cult; I prefer "readers."

I'll start with answering part two of the question. I follow a lot of blogs, and enjoy coming home from work and reading what people have to say about the latest books and their own favourites. With such a lot, though, it's inevitable that I will visit some more than others, and every so often I will prune the list so it doesn't get out of hand.

I don't like to see the number of followers go down, but it doesn't bother me, as I know I'm not the only one who thinks this way. It's flattering to see the number go up, but if they don't actually read the blog it's nothing but vanity. If everyone stopped following at once, though, I would wonder what I was doing wrong.

Coming Soon

Oops, as a certain Miss B. Spears sang a few years ago, I did it again.
I had to, though. I couldn't not.
You see, to start with, in the store where I work, ALL kids' books are on a 3-for-2 offer at the moment. And that includes teen/young adult books, which I am currently devouring and of which I have read many first books of trilogies.
And then, The Company decided to give us their annual token of appreciation and bump up the staff discount for two weeks.
And I had a coupon where I could save £5 if I spent £20 or more in one transaction.
Now, three books wouldn't cost so much, but six would.
In the end, I saved more than I spent and got six lovely books for just under £20, when the full price would be over £45. A job well done, I feel.

So, added to my collection are
Torment by Lauren Kate, sequel to Fallen.
Crescendo by Becca Fitzpatrick, sequel to Hush, Hush.
Catching Fire and Mockingjay, books two and three in the Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins.
The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson, and
Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare, who I have concluded is the same Cassandra Claire responsible for the Very Secret Diaries, an amusing piece of Lord of the Rings fanfiction which kept my friends and me entertained in my sixth form years. (Killed by Orcs. Stupid Orcs.)

Left over from last week I still have Dawn French's A Tiny Bit Marvellous,
Diamond Star Halo by Tiffany Murray and the classic,
To Kill A Mockingbird.

I ought to impose a ban on myself now: no new books until the end of the month or until I've paid my credit card bill off in full. Money is running out fast and Christmas is coming. (Let's see how long I can last.)


  1. I agree with you -- I love coming homw and reading my favorite blogs. If I'm not someone's favorite, then oh, well. I might be someone else's!

  2. Hi there! its my first blog hop and I'm enjoying all these book lover blogs! I've got tons of books on my Christmas list to save th ebank account from shock LOL Thanks for a great post!

  3. Hi follower.

    Are you in England? I guess you given that I see the pound sign and a UK version of Hunger Games. yay! My mother was born and raised in England. Uh, Hampshire? Not sure if that's right. Have a great wknd!

    Jen @ I Read Banned Books.

  4. Hey Katie, hopping by to say hi! And to answer your question you left regarding the Andrea Cremer cover I posted.

    The girl on the cover is a werewolf. Wolfsbane is the second in the series. Nightshade was the first and was a GREAT read. Some of the history parts regarding the werewolf packs and the rules were a little confusing, but it still made for a GREAT werewolf read.

    Here's my review for Nightshade, I might be a little vague on details in the book only because when I'm really excited about a book I have to restrain myself from talking too much about it!

  5. I think your haul is fantastic- who could resist that kind of bargain? Interested to see what you think of the Dawn French!

  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog. You should read The Forest of Hands and Teeth, it does have zombies, but it's more than just the zombies - it's about survival, love, friendship and that yearning for knowledge. I am almost done reading it... I had to stop because it made me cry and my boyfriend was just teasing me for it. LOL I should have my review up before the end of the day.


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