
Saturday, 1 January 2011

2011: a look ahead

New Year's Resolutions

My first video message - thanks to my sister Jenny for being cameraperson. Sorry about the poor light quality, blame the energy-saving lightbulbs!

Reading Challenges:

After last year's big and complicated rereading extravaganza that I barely skimmed the surface of, this year I'm keeping things simple. I have signed up for the Back to the Classics challenge hosted by Sarah Reads Too Much

I have scheduled a re-read of the Anne of Green Gables series - which I managed to get through the entire 2010 without reading, a thing which must be quickly rectified! I'm calling this my Kindred Spirit challenge; at the moment it's just for me and is all very unofficial but if anyone else is interested do let me know!

I may join other challenges as they take my fancy, but basically this year's challenge to myself is this: read lots of new books and lots of old favourites. As many as I can. And that's it.


  1. I loved watching your video! Best wishes to you in the new year!

  2. Congrats on making the video :)

    I think you've got the right idea about keeping it simple with respect to the challenges, having overextended myself this year, lol.

    All the best for 2011!


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