
Friday, 10 June 2011

Blog Hop and Irresistibly Sweet Award

Hi everyone. Once again, I'm sorry for the quietness around this blog lately. For one reason or another I haven't had a lot of reading or reviewing time lately and seem to be taking longer over each book than I would like. I'm hoping that normal service will be resumed shortly.
And as if that weren't enough, blogger isn't even letting me comment on other people's posts, much to my frustration. I really hope this will be resolved soon. Apologies to all the lovely bloggers who write such brilliant reviews, discussions and meme posts. (ETA: it seems to be working - now. But I don't trust these technologies...)

This week the Book Blogger Hop is being hosted by Lori at her Reading Corner, and the question is:
Who is the one author that you are dying to meet?
For me there can be no contest: it must be the brilliant Neil Gaiman, although I'm pretty sure if I got the opportunity I would lose all ability to speak out of nerves. This is a fantasy author whose best writing just seems to make more sense than the real world, especially his worlds of Neverwhere, American Gods, and his latest Doctor Who episode (which was superb.)

Thanks to The Book Gatherer for this lovely award, which I am honoured to pass on to the following wonderful blogs. (Choosing just five was a tough task.)

(Another) Katie: Call Me Crazy

In return for this award, I've been asked to share seven facts about myself:

1. Just lately, I've been getting a bit obsessive about colour-coordinating my nail varnish with my outfit of the day. Or... choosing my T-shirt to match my nails.

2. If I had enough money I'd invest in shoes to match - preferably Converse All Stars. I love my Converse (I have one pair dark red and one in purple) but am terrible when it comes to smart or pretty shoes. I can't walk in high heels, and slip-on shoes just slip off my feet again.

3. If my childhood were a place, it would be an "adventure park" called Blackgang Chine, which I try to revisit every year, even if I might be technically too old to go without any kids to entertain. There are giant (climbable) model dinosaurs, a pirate ship, a mansion which has been taken over by the "little people of the unfriendly kind," and a cowboy town. Amazing place, except for an abundance of...

4 ...wasps, the one thing guaranteed to make me freak out and scream like a little girl. Ugh. Can't even say the word without shuddering.

5. I collect drinks coasters, prefering interesting one-offs to matching sets. My current favourite is bright green with "THIS IS NOT A BISCUIT" written across it.

6. I'm an old-fashioned girl who prefers paper books to e-readers and likes to have real photo albums to look through.

7. I have three bookcases in my room: On the left of the door is a vintage affair with glass doors containing all the "clever" books, classics and nice hardbacks. This was the first item of furniture my Grandma ever bought herself, and the top shelf is full of her entire Dickens collection, a present from her first boyfriend's family in about 1943. On the right is a little case with three shelves full of classic kids' books: Enid Blyton, L.M. Montgomery, Little House on the Prairie and school stories. General fiction lives on the big bookcase by the bedroom window, if it fits. These shelves aren't enough: I also have shelves in my wardrobe and another cupboard for books, and a box for those without any other home. Oh, and two shelves in my sister's bedroom. Every so often I send a few to a charity shop - but replace them just as quickly.


  1. Haven't read anything by this author! Although I have heard of the books.

    Here's my Friday Hops

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower
    Jessica@a GREAT read

  2. Thank you so much for my award (I'll be sending you an email very soon!) But I just wanted to agree - if I ever met Neil Gaiman, I'm sure I'd lose the ability to do most basic functions. It would be incredible.


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