
Monday, 9 December 2013

Reading Cram end of year read-a-thon: Day 1


So here we are at the start of another read-a-thon, a lovely way to wrap up the year. It's nearly the end of day one, but I've been working, so have only managed to read a couple of chapters, before work and at lunch time. Now I've had my dinner and made a large cup of coffee for myself, and will shortly put my computer away and get lost in a good book in front of the fire.

What I'm reading:

I've got three books on the go at the moment: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (a Christmassy reread), The Explorer Gene, and China Mieville's Perdido Street Station. I'm aiming to finish the first two this week, and to read up to the end of part three of Perdido Street Station by Wednesday, when I am next seeing my friend, with whom I'd doing a readalong.

The story so far: 

In a city where humans and strange creatures coexist, Isaac and Lin are an inter-species couple. Isaac is a scientist, while Lin is an artist, half-human, half insect(ish). Both have been commissioned with unusual tasks. Isaac, Lin and some of their bohemian friends visit a fair to try to find answers for Isaac's problem, but instead they are horrified by the freak show they find within.

What I've read today: Perdido Street Station
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Number of pages read today: 205
Running total: 205 pages
Number of mince pies consumed during the readathon: 1 1/2
My life outside books: Went into the supermarket to buy sandwich fillings, came out with a bagful of Christmassy food. I regret nothing!
Quote of the day: "Art's something you choose to make... it's a bringing together of... of everything around you into something that makes you more human..." - Derkhan, Perdido Street Station.


  1. Nothing to regret about Christmassy food! I will be doing some baking for Christmas hampers later in the week so I'm sure I'll be doing my fair share of 'taste testing'!

    1. But of course! You can't let people try your baking without being absolutely certain it tastes ok, can you? I rather suspect that I'll come away with unexpected Christmas goodies each time I go into a food shop from now on, and am also planning to do some baking tomorrow, if all goes to plan.

  2. Great to see your progress...sounds like an interesting read so far!

  3. I like that quote! I've been eyeing up various China Mieville novels for a while, with Perdido Street Station up near the top of the list, so I'll be very interested to see what you make of it overall!

    And DUDE, I am so bad with accidental grocery shopping at the moment. I went to Tesco the other day, just to keep my sister company and also to maybe get a couple of gifts that my mum needed to buy for people, and ended up coming away with extra festive booze, three notebooks (two Very Hungry Caterpillar ones and one Marvel one) from the Christmas gift aisle, a bag of jellybeans and a poinsettia. HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN?!

    1. Blame it on the malevolent sprites that sneak things into your trolley when you're not looking. (That is my excuse and I am sticking to it.)


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