
Friday, 25 April 2014

Coming soon: Bout of Books 10

Hi all. For one reason or another it's been a bit quiet around here lately, and I realise that although I've been reading a lot, I haven't had much to say about the books - or anything else, really. I also owe a review of the eight Star Trek film, First Contact, which was excellent, if a little spoilery, as its plot is strongly influenced by events I haven't reached in the series. That's what you get for being impatient and jumping ahead to the films, I guess.

I gave up buying books for Lent this year, as an attempt to get the to-read piles under control - although library visits were still allowed and indulged. But, for now, I have now got only one pile of books waiting to be read, if a rather wobbly, precarious pile.

Bout of Books

The tenth Bout of Books readathon approaches, and I'm very much looking forward to having a week dedicated to reading and blogging about books (and I must make sure to stock up on snacks to keep me company.)
The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, May 12th and runs through Sunday, May 18th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure, and the only reading competition is between you and your usual number of books read in a week. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 10 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. - From the Bout of Books team 
If you can't wait to get stuck into a big pile of books, Dewey's 24-hour readathon takes place this weekend, starting at 1PM on Saturday if you're in the UK. Sadly, I'll be working both Saturday and Sunday this week and will be unable to take part, though I'm sure I'll be stalking visiting and cheering on participants in the evening.


  1. Too bad you can't take part in Dewey's but glad you are joining Bout of Books :) I'm planning to get a ton of books read this spring :)

    1. Dewey never seems to fall on my days off, sadly. If I wasn't working Sunday I'd probably just delay the start by a few hours, but I'll just have to read like a normal person in the evening and wait for Bout of Books. Ooh, I'm excited. It feels far too long since I had a good readathon.

    2. Yeah, I see what you mean, I struggled with Dewey's a lot last time due to not being at home most of the time. It's the best if you know you have no obligations and can dedicate all the time in the world to reading. I will be sleeping and doing other things, though, because I know I can't physically and mentally read hours and hours in a row :)

  2. YES YES BOUT OF BOOKS YES. I have *technically* not been near a bookshop in a while, so much so that I have recently started having actual proper dreamy dreams about going to bookshops and buying things. But I HAVE bought a couple of books on Amazon and PLENTY of books at the supermarket, which now we've moved nearer to a bigger one suddenly has a pretty good selection every time we go. So... yes, many books to get stuck into.

    I'll be Bout of Books-ing as well as Dewey-ing, although I'm away for the night for my lovely nana's birthday until sometime on Monday, so I'll be a bit late starting. It'll be fun not working for these for the first time, I feel like I can really crack on and read like a maniac! I even straightened my room a bit for Dewey, Mum is thrilled by my frenzy of activity today. :D

    1. I definitely find myself more likely to get into a reading or writing mood if my room is somewhere resembling tidy. I'll probably have a mini-readathon on my days off, probably even tomorrow evening as well, but as I'll be working Sunday as well, it's not a very good idea to pull an all-nighter. Enjoy Dewey and happy reading!


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