
Monday, 6 February 2017

Rereadathon #5: Day 2 Mini-Challenge - That One Book.

I think we all have that one book. It's more than just something we read and loved, more even than an obsession. This particular book spoke to us personally, came to life within us and is something we've carried around with us ever since. Maybe we found ourselves represented within the pages for the first time, or the best time, and realised the power of an author to get inside our heads. Or perhaps we simply found it at just the right time and it helped us through a difficult time. This is the book that made us.

For today's mini-challenge, I'd like you to tell me what your "one book" is, and to create a visual representation of it. You can use a photograph, a collage, selfie, MS paint, doodles, stick figures or Lego bricks; be as arty or as plain, literal or abstract as you like. Then leave a link to your blog, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube or other post so I can come and see what you've done.

For me, (and I can see Bex smiling because she knows what I'm going to say) there can be only one choice. There have been a handful of books that have really changed my life, but the first one, the one that has been with me constantly throughout the last twentymumble years, is Lucy Maud Montgomery's Anne of Green Gables. I was bought the first two books in an omnibus edition when I was about eight years old, and its heroine, the fiery, imaginative and scatterbrained Anne Shirley was the first time I felt that a character was real and alive, a true "kindred spirit," and it really didn't matter that I was flesh and blood while she was ink and paper.

I'm cheating a bit with my picture, as it is a notebook that I covered a long time ago. (Though it's my challenge, I make the rules, and therefore I say it's not cheating. You can absolutely use something you made earlier.)

Monday Stats:

\Books read from: Rainbow Valley by L. M. Montgomery
Pages read: 67
Total books finished: 1
What else have I been up to: Dug an old writing project out of mothballs and pulled together all the false starts, notes and outlines into one place/


  1. I read Ballet Shoes when I was 6. It was the first proper book I read and I was inspired to read it by the TV adaptation in the early 70s (so, sucks to those who think TV *stops* kids reading). It showed me a time and a place and a world which were all totally new to me and I was completely absorbed. I loved the Fossil sisters -still do - they became my friends at a time when I had changed schools and felt a bit lost.

    I gave never been able to decide my answer to the closing question, if other girls had to choose which one of us to be, I wonder which one they'd choose (not an exact quote). I have mulled this question all my life! This book showed me that Girls Can - there were careers out there, I just needed to find mine. And although luck plays its part in that (as Ballet Shoes makes clear), this is such an important message to receive in childhood. This book inspired me, not to act or engineer or dance, but to look and see.

    Mrs L (having probs posting this, many apologies if my comment ends up here 3 times - my words aren't *that* important!)

    1. Odd, I wrote out a reply and it's not posted either. Stupid Blogger.

      Characters from a book really can be good friends when you need them the most. I haven't read Ballet Shoes in ages. When I was little my mother collected a book-and-magazine partwork collection of children's classics and I read that; the magazine when I was small and then the book when I was a bit less small.


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