Monday 19 August 2013

Bout of Books 8.0 Progress Report

Bout of Books


Pages read today: 92
Stories read today: "The Shadow over Innsmouth" and"The Haunter of the Dark" from The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories by H. P. Lovecraft
Places I have read: Southsea Coffee Co. cafe, Southsea beach, Southsea-Ryde hovercraft, Number 9 bus, bed
Edible Accompaniments: Cappuccino, fruit and seed flapjack
Today #insixwords: Still fangirling after meeting Neil Gaiman!
Running total: 2 short stories; 92 pages


Pages read today: 395
Books read today: Reconstructing Amelia by Kimberley McCreight
Places I have read: bed, garden
Edible Accompaniments: Toffee ice cream, Graze "Marvellous Macaroon"
Today #insixwords: Relieved I'm no longer a teenager
Running total: 2 short stories, 1 book, 497 pages


Pages read today: 78
Books read today: In One Person by John Irving
Places I have read: home
Edible Accompaniments: Graze BBQ nibbles
Today #insixwords: back at work, head in clouds
Running total: 2 short stories, 1 1/6 books, 575 pages


Pages read today: 170
Books read today: In One Person by John Irving
Places I have read: Lunch room at work, home
Edible Accompaniments: Chicken caesar wrap, doughnut, cheesy Doritos
Today #insixwords: Shouldn't have been surprised, but was.
Running total: 2 short stories, 1 1/2 books, 745 pages


Pages read today: 338
Books read today: In One Person by John Irving
Places I have read: home
Edible Accompaniments: Graze "Raspberry swirl," raspberry ripple choc-ice, Maoam sticks, apple, plenty of coffee
Today #insixwords: lazy greedy day, finished my book
Running total: 2 short stories, 2 books, 1083 pages


Pages read today: 67
Books read today: Necropolis by Catharine Arnold
Places I have read: Bed (at stupid o'clock), Lunch room at work
Edible Accompaniments: coffee, ham and cream cheese bagel, wine
Today #insixwords: Distracted by writing; that's good, right?
Running total: 2 short stories, 2 books and a bit, 1150 pages


Pages read today: 55
Books read today: Necropolis by Catharine Arnold
Places I have read: home
Edible Accompaniments: Nutella cupcakes and coffee
Final total: 2 short stories, 2 1/2 books, 1205 pages

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